Invitation to Russia

The very first and absolutely essential condition for obtaining a Russian visa is providing the official letter of invitation. 

The letters of invitation we provide are issued by organizations accredited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Migration Service and will provide you with 100% guarantee of obtaining the Russian visa. We will do our best to ensure your letter of invitation to be in perfect shape.

We will help you decide which invitation is the best for you.


The tourist letter of invitation is a document necessary for obtaining a tourist visa. It might also be called a “tourist voucher”. It is issued by a licensed travel agency. You are not entitled to obtain the visa without having this voucher.

Based on the original tourist letter of invitation you are entitled to apply for a tourist visa authorizing a single entry into Russia for one month at any Russian Consulate in the Czech Republic as well as in whatever country where you have a residence permit for more than 90 days.


Before applying for a business letter of invitation valid for more than 30 days it is necessary to obtain the so-called business invitation issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, or by the Migration Police Authority, or the original letter of invitation is possible to obtain from a partner agency in Russia. 

There are two kinds of business visa issued:
1. Single / double entry (validity period for 1-3 months)
2. Multiple entry (validity period for 6 months – 1 year). 

Types of Letters of Invitation and a Validity Period 


Pricelist and Processing Time 


Visa support to Russia - what is it?


Why is it so easy with our agency?

favourable prices for all types of invitation

our letters of invitation are accepted at all Consulates all over the world

any type of invitation may be processed at a distance

order and payment made online

we are always ready to contact you and recommend the best option.


If you order a letter of invitation at our agency, you will be given a special price when submitting the documents at the Consulate, you will be provided with a discount of 5% or we can deliver the letter of invitation around the Czech Republic for free.

For you it means to have a proper type of a letter of invitation chosen according to the length of your stay and make the order online using our application form or call us and we will start the action immediately.

We will send you the letter of invitation by post or email after you have filled in the form and made the payment. Then it only needs to be printed out and attached to the visa application. 


Number of entries, duration of stay
Processing time, working days 1
Price 0 CZK

Excessive age

Small age, contact us

To select multiple destinations, press Ctrl (command), and select the desired location
Selected cities:
Passport copy as an annex
Souhlasím se shromažďováním, uchováním a zpracováním osobních údajů obsažených v tomto formuláři správcem ATMAN, s.r.o., se sídlem Pod Slovany 1903/7, 120 00, Praha 2, Česká republika, IČ: 27560899 (příp. jeho zaměstnanci) pro zajištění víza (pozvání). Tento souhlas uděluji pro všechny údaje obsažené v tomto formuláři, a to po celou dobu 5 (pěti) let ode dne udělení souhlasu. Zároveň jsem si vědom/a svých práv podle § 12 a 21 zákona č. 101/2000 Sb., o ochraně osobních údajů. Se všemi vyplněnými částmi tohoto formuláře jsem byl/a seznámen/a, všechny údaje jsou přesné a pravdivé a jsou poskytovány dobrovolně.